What Educators Can Do to Help Prevent Underage Drinking and Other Drug Use
School staff members can play a powerful role in the prevention of underage drinking
and drug use among their students. Together, educators and families can work to send
strong and consistent messages to students about the use of alcohol and other drugs.
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Emoji Drug Code Decoded
Emojis were originally designed to represent an emotion, event, or activity, but some have recently taken on a language of their own. Source: One Pill Can Kill campaign, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
The Teen Brain: 7 Things to Know
Did you know that big and important changes happen in the brain duringadolescence? Here are seven things to know about the teen brain. Source: National Institute of Mental Health
Reporting Suicidal Comments Made on Social Media
Sometimes on social media, we may come across a comment or post someone has made about the possibility of suicide. Whether it is made by a loved one, friend, or a complete stranger, it is important to take it seriously. Source: Helpline Center