150 Ways to Show Kids You Care
150 Ways to Show Kids You Care is a wonderful tool for nurturing connections with the children in your life. Keep the list handy and try something new each day.
Source: Search Institute

- Notice them.
- Smile a lot.
- Acknowledge them.
- Learn their names.
- Seek their opinions.
- Remember their birthdays.
- Ask them about themselves.
- Look in their eyes when you talk to them.
- Listen to them.
- Give them time to play.
- Read aloud together.
- Help them find humor in the situation.
- Be nice.
- Say yes a lot.
- Tell them their feelings are okay.
- Set boundaries that keep them safe.
- Be honest.
- Be yourself.
- Listen to their stories.
- Help them imagine their “future selves.”
- Put aside your worries and focus on them.
- Notice when they’re acting differently.
- Present options when they seek your counsel.
- Give them time to relax.
- Reward them for hard work.
- Be present when they’re afraid.
- Encourage discussions.
- Suggest better behaviors when they act out.
- Feed them when they’re hungry.
- Delight in their discoveries.
- Share their excitement.
- Notice their kindnesses to others.
- Follow them when they lead.
- Notice when they’re absent.
- Say hello.
- Plan surprises.
- Give them space when they need it.
- Contribute to their collections.
- Discuss their dreams and nightmares.
- Laugh at their jokes.
- Be relaxed.
- Acknowledge that some problems take a long time to solve.
- Answer their questions.
- Tell them how terrific they are.
- Create traditions and keep them.
- Learn what they have to teach.
- Use your ears more than your mouth.
- Make yourself available.
- Show up at their concerts, games, and events.
- Find a common interest.

- 51. Help them become problem solvers.
- Apologize when you’ve done something wrong.
- Listen to their favorite music with them.
- Keep the promises you make.
- Wave and smile when you part.
- Display their artwork and projects.
- Thank them.
- Point out what you like about them.
- Clip magazine pictures or articles that interest them.
- Give them lots of compliments.
- Catch them doing something right.
- Encourage win-win solution.
- Give them your undivided attention.
- Ask for their opinion.
- Have fun together.
- Be curious with them.
- Introduce them to others.
- Tell them how much you like being with them.
- Let them solve most of their own problems.
- Meet their friends.
- Meet their parents.
- Let them tell you how they feel.
- Let them tell you how they feel.
- Be excited when you see them.
- Tell them about yourself.
- Let them act their age.
- Praise more; criticize less.
- Be consistent.
- Admit when you make a mistake.
- Enjoy your time together.
- Give them a special nickname.
- Marvel at what they can do.
- Tell them how proud you are of them.
- Ask them about their “sparks” – those things that they love to do.
- Tell them about your sparks and how you pursue your interests.
- Be happy.
- Ask them to help you.
- Support them.
- Applaud their successes.
- Deal with problems and conflicts while they’re still small.
- Chaperone a dance or other activity.
- Help them to learn more about their heroes.
- Believe in them.
- Nurture them with good food, good words, and good fun.
- Be flexible.
- Delight in their uniqueness.
- Let them make mistakes.
- Notice when they grow or change.
- Acknowledge them when you see them in public.
- Give them immediate feedback.

- Include them in conversations.
- Respect them.
- Join in their adventures.
- Support their schools.
- Help them learn something new.
- Be understanding when they have a difficult day.
- Give them good choices.
- Respect the choices they make.
- Show your whimsical side.
- Recognize the transitions that the child is making.
- Make time to be with them.
- Inspire their creativity.
- Accept them as they are.
- Become their advocate.
- Appreciate their individuality.
- Talk openly with them.
- Tolerate their interruptions.
- Trust them.
- Respect their privacy.
- Surround them with positive messages.
- Create a safe, open environment.
- Be available.
- Cheer their accomplishments.
- Encourage them to help others.
- Tackle new tasks together.
- Believe what they say.
- Help them take a stand and stand with them.
- Daydream with them.
- Do what they like to do.
- Make decisions together.
- Magnify their magnificence.
- Build something together.
- Encourage them to think big.
- Celebrate their firsts and lasts, such as the first day of school.
- Encourage them to learn about new places and people.
- Welcome their suggestions.
- Show concern if they’ve been sick.
- Help them manage their time.
- Help them learn from mistakes.
- Be sincere.
- Introduce them to people of excellence.
- Tell them what you expect of them.
- Give their parents your contact information.
- Introduce them to new experiences.
- Encourage kids to support their peers’ sparks.
- Talk directly together.
- Be spontaneous.
- Expect their best; don’t expect perfection.
- Empower them to help and be themselves.
- Love them, no matter what.
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