Talking to Kids
Linn County Teen-Approved Conversation Starters
Need ideas for getting teens interested in talking about the risks of alcohol and other drug use? Try these suggestions from Linn County high school students.
150 Ways to Show Kids You Care
150 Ways to Show Kids You Care is a wonderful tool for nurturing connections with the children in your life. Keep the list handy and try something new each day. Source: Search Institute
Talk to Kids About the Risks of Vaping
Talk to Kids About the Risks of Vaping
Many teens vape on a regular basis, and most choose flavored e-cigarettes. Many kids think vaping is harmless, but it can have serious health consequences. Given the right tools and information, parents, educators, and other influential adults can make a profound difference in the lives of their children and students by sharing the facts and…
3 Questions Linn County Middle School Students Ask about Marijuana
The Linn County Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program has provided substance use prevention classes in Linn County schools for over 20 years. We asked instructors Sarah Daniels and Shannon Snair to share common questions middle school students have about marijuana, and how to answer them. Is marijuana bad for my mental health? There is strong…
3 Questions Linn County Middle School Students Ask About Alcohol
The Linn County Alcohol and Drug Prevention Program has been providing substance use prevention classes in Linn County schools for over 20 years. We asked instructors Sarah Daniels, Ashley LeFever, and Shannon Snair to share common questions middle school students have about alcohol — and how to answer them. Are energy drinks alcohol? No, energy…
Technology Conversation Starters for Families of Tweens and Teens
This resource provides ideas and examples that parents and guardians can use to frame conversations around common scenarios involving technology, social media, and video games. Source: Center for Excellence, Social Media & Youth Mental Health, American Academy of Pediatrics and SAMHSA
Family Conversation Starters
Print, cut, and start great family conversations Linn Together’s conversation starter cards offer a fun way to engage your family in discussions. Simply print and cut the conversation card sheets to create an activity where each member draws a question to answer, or selects someone else to respond. It’s a simple activity that strengthens family bonds.
What Educators Can Do to Help Prevent Underage Drinking and Other Drug Use
School staff members can play a powerful role in the prevention of underage drinkingand drug use among their students. Together, educators and families can work to sendstrong and consistent messages to students about the use of alcohol and other drugs.
The New Drug Talk Oregon
Fentanyl has changed the drug landscape, and we have to change how we talk to kids about it. The New Drug Talk Oregon website provides parent conversation scenarios, fentanyl facts, and local resources. Help make talking with your kids about drugs easier and more effective.