Substance Use Prevention
Family Conversation Starters
Print, cut, and start great family conversations Linn Together’s conversation starter cards offer a fun way to engage your family in discussions. Simply print and cut the conversation card sheets to create an activity where each member draws a question to answer, or selects someone else to respond. It’s a simple activity that strengthens family bonds.
What Educators Can Do to Help Prevent Underage Drinking and Other Drug Use
School staff members can play a powerful role in the prevention of underage drinkingand drug use among their students. Together, educators and families can work to sendstrong and consistent messages to students about the use of alcohol and other drugs.
Nicotine and the Young Brain
In young people, 5 mg of nicotine a day is enough to establish a nicotine addiction – about the amount of nicotine in one quarter of an e-cigarette pod. Learn more about nicotine and how it impacts the young brain. Source: Truth Initiative
Why fentanyl? Why now?
Download this CADCA fentanyl guide in English or Spanish. Includes specific actions communities can take to prevent exposure to and use of fentanyl among youth. En espanol
The New Drug Talk Oregon
Fentanyl has changed the drug landscape, and we have to change how we talk to kids about it. The New Drug Talk Oregon website provides parent conversation scenarios, fentanyl facts, and local resources. Help make talking with your kids about drugs easier and more effective.
How well do you know your kids?
A fun quiz to try with children and learn something new! Try this fun quiz with your child. Write your answers in the first column, then have your child fill in their responses in the second column. Enjoy discussing your answers and learning something new!
Impaired Driving: Talk with Your Kids
The most effective way to stop impaired driving is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Use the following tips when talking with your kids about drunk and drug-impaired driving. Don’t wait for the “Right” time—It’s always a good time to talk to your kids about the dangers of impaired driving. Source: Substance…
What’s Trending: Youth Prescription Drug Misuse
6% of adolescents aged 12-17 report currently misusing prescription opioids. Learn more about youth prescription drug misuse. Source: CADCA
Addiction: Said No Teen Ever PSA Video
When a young person is struggling with substance use, it’s up to us to notice. Source: National Council for Mental Wellbeing