OTC Medicine
Emoji Drug Code Decoded
Emojis were originally designed to represent an emotion, event, or activity, but some have recently taken on a language of their own. Source: One Pill Can Kill campaign, U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration
Linn County Prescription Drug Safe Disposal Locations
Prescription drug drop-off sites provide a safe, convenient, and responsible means of disposing of prescription drugs. These Linn County sites can be used to dispose of any unwanted, unused or expired prescription or over-the-counter medications in your home. Accepted: Any type of prescription and/or over-the-counter medications are acceptable. Make sure lids are on tight if…
Teen Medicine Abuse Fact Sheet
Read this fact sheet for information about teen prescription and over-the-counter medicine abuse. Recent trends indicate teems are increasingly turning to prescription or over-the counter medicines. Teens report getting many of these medicines from home medicine cabinets and mistakenly believe that abusing them is “safer” than other drugs. Source: The Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA)
Prescription Drug and Over-the-Counter Medication Safe Storage
Prescription medication is secured from the time it leaves the manufacturer until the time it’s dispensed at a pharmacy. At that point it becomes our responsibility to safely store medication at home. Safe Storage Steps More Storage Tips Learn more at TakeMedsSeriously.org