5 Things You Should Know About Stress
Everyone feels stressed from time to time. But what is stress? How does it affect your health? And what can you do about it?
Source: National Institute of Mental Health
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Tips for Teens: Managing Stress
5 tips to help teens cope with stress. Source: Mental Health First Aid
Said No Teen Ever: Youth Mental Health PSA Video
Across the country, one in five young people lives with a mental health or substance use challenge, yet few reach out for support. That’s why it’s so important we all know how to recognize and respond when a young person may be in need. Source: National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events
Every year, children and adolescents experience disasters and other traumatic events. Family, friends, and trusted adults play an essential role in helping youth cope with these experiences. Source: National Institute of Mental Health