Linn Together Youth Marijuana Prevention Campaign

Girl with skateboard boy with baseball bat and boy doing karate

Linn Together, as part of the Linn County Marijuana Task Force, has released the second phase of the Youth Marijuana Prevention Campaign. The campaign is a collaboration between Linn Together, Linn County Alcohol and Drug, the Linn County Juvenile Department and the Linn County Sheriff’s Office.

The campaign is focused on middle school students and their parents and utilizes gaming, sports, and social media images. The campaign’s goal is to inform about the risks of youth marijuana use. There are three themes: Control, Reach & Protect. Each theme highlights the benefits of not using marijuana as well as the negative impacts of using marijuana.  

The Youth Marijuana Prevention Campaign includes local billboards, posters, rack cards, social media advertising, as well as themed give-a-ways such as stickers and shoe laces. In addition, information about how marijuana can impact brain health, mental health and school success is available at STAND youth council high school students will help to promote the campaign in Linn County middle schools throughout the 2023-24 school year.  

If your business or organization would like to display a poster, or for more information about the Youth Marijuana Prevention Campaign, email